58 Prayer Points for The Bereaved (With Scripture)

When grief strikes, it can feel like the world has stopped turning. But even in our darkest moments, prayer has the power to comfort, heal, and guide us through the storm. If you’re struggling with loss or know someone who is, these prayer points can help you connect with God and find strength during this difficult time.

  1. My Lord, comfort those who mourn with Your loving presence.

  2. Merciful Father, heal the broken hearts of the bereaved.

  3. Loving God, wrap Your arms around those who have lost loved ones.

  4. Dear Jesus, be a source of strength for those facing grief.

  5. Heavenly Creator, bring peace to troubled minds and hearts.

  6. Holy Spirit, breathe new life into those who feel lost in sorrow.

  7. Father, guide the bereaved towards a renewed sense of purpose.

  8. Lord, help those grieving to find meaning in their pain.

  9. God of all comfort, remind the bereaved of Your eternal love.

  10. Jesus, light the path forward for those walking through darkness.

  11. Heavenly Father, grant wisdom to those making difficult decisions.

  12. Spirit of God, inspire hope in the hearts of the mourning.

  13. Lord of all, reveal Your divine plan to those questioning their future.

  14. Gracious God, provide for the needs of those left behind.

  15. Christ our Savior, be a constant companion to the lonely.

  16. Holy Spirit, awaken new passions and dreams in the bereaved.

  17. Father of Lights, illuminate the beauty of Your creation to lift spirits.

  18. Lord, open eyes to see Your handiwork in nature as a balm for grief.

  19. God of Wonder, let Your magnificent universe speak comfort to aching hearts.

  20. Jesus, teach the bereaved to find solace in the rhythms of Your creation.

  21. Heavenly Father, send Your angels to minister to those in mourning.

  22. Lord of Hosts, surround the grieving with Your heavenly protection.

  23. God Almighty, let angelic comfort be felt in moments of deep sorrow.

  24. Spirit of Truth, help the bereaved to trust in Your unfailing love.

  25. Father, grant the courage to surrender grief and pain into Your hands.

  26. Lord Jesus, increase faith in Your good plans for the future.

  27. Holy God, teach the bereaved to rest in Your sovereign care.

  28. Abba Father, foster childlike trust in Your provision and guidance.

  29. Prince of Peace, calm anxious thoughts with Your perfect peace.

  30. Lord of All, help the bereaved to release control and lean on You.

  31. God our Refuge, be a safe haven in the storm of grief.

  32. Jesus our Healer, tend to wounded hearts with Your gentle touch.

  33. Holy Spirit, intercede with groans too deep for words.

  34. Faithful Father, remind the bereaved of Your promises in Scripture.

  35. Lord, grant the bereaved courage to face each new day.

  36. God of Hope, plant seeds of joy for the future.

  37. Christ our Rock, be a firm foundation in times of uncertainty.

  38. Spirit of Wisdom, guide decision-making in practical matters.

  39. Heavenly Father, provide community and support for the grieving.

  40. Lord Jesus, help the bereaved to honor the memory of their loved ones.

  41. God of All Comfort, bring a sense of Your presence in lonely moments.

  42. Holy Spirit, inspire creativity as an outlet for grief.

  43. Father of Mercies, shower compassion on those feeling overwhelmed.

  44. Lord of Life, breathe purpose into days that feel empty.

  45. God our Provider, meet physical and emotional needs.

  46. Jesus, Friend of Sinners, be near to those who feel abandoned.

  47. Spirit of God, kindle a flame of hope in despairing hearts.

  48. Heavenly Father, grant restful sleep to the weary.

  49. Lord, help the bereaved to embrace life while honoring their loss.

  50. God of All Grace, pour out Your love in tangible ways.

  51. Christ our Mediator, bridge the gap between grief and healing.

  52. Holy Spirit, bring clarity of mind amidst confusion.

  53. Father, help the bereaved to forgive themselves and others.

  54. Lord of Comfort, wrap Your peace around aching hearts.

  55. God of New Beginnings, open doors to fresh opportunities.

  56. Jesus our Shepherd, guide the bereaved through the valley of shadow.

  57. Spirit of Life, breathe renewed vitality into weary souls.

  58. Heavenly Father, prepare an eternal reunion in Your presence.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18


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These prayer points are so powerful for those going through grief. Focusing on God’s comfort and presence can be incredibly healing during dark times.

If anyone is going through this, feel free to DM me and you wil be in my prayers.

Thank you, Lord, for being our comfort in times of grief and loss. Your presence brings healing to broken hearts and hope for the future. I’m grateful for the reminder that even in our darkest moments, You are always there to guide us through. May we lean on Your strength and find peace in Your loving arms. Amen!