61 Prayer Points for Expose Lies (With Scripture)

Ever feel like you’re swimming in a sea of deception? As followers of Christ, we’re called to be beacons of truth in a world often shrouded in falsehood. These prayer points will help you seek God’s guidance in uncovering and confronting lies, while also strengthening your own commitment to honesty and integrity.

  1. Saintly God, expose every lie that seeks to deceive me.

  2. Almighty Father, let Your truth shine like a beacon in my life.

  3. My Father, grant me discernment to recognize falsehoods.

  4. Gracious Lord, strip away the masks of deception around me.

  5. Oh Jesus, let Your light reveal hidden lies in my relationships.

  6. Holy Spirit, fill me with wisdom to discern truth from falsehood.

  7. Lord, let Your love transform my heart to always seek the truth.

  8. Father, clothe me with the belt of truth from Your armor.

  9. Jesus, be the rock of truth on which I stand firm.

  10. Heavenly Father, expose lies that have taken root in my mind.

  11. Lord of Truth, let Your word be a lamp unto my feet.

  12. God of Light, shine Your radiance on areas of darkness in my life.

  13. My Savior, break the chains of deception that bind me.

  14. Holy Spirit, guide me into all truth as promised in John 16:13.

  15. Merciful God, forgive me for the times I’ve believed lies about myself.

  16. Lord, let Your truth set me free from the bondage of deceit.

  17. Father, expose lies that have infiltrated my workplace.

  18. Jesus, help me to speak truth in love to those around me.

  19. Almighty God, reveal falsehoods in the media I consume.

  20. Holy Spirit, give me the courage to confront lies with truth.

  21. Lord, let Your truth be like a sword, cutting through deception.

  22. Father, expose lies that have crept into my church community.

  23. Christ Jesus, be the way, the truth, and the life in all I do.

  24. God of Justice, bring to light hidden agendas and secret schemes.

  25. Lord, let Your truth wash over me like cleansing waters.

  26. Heavenly Father, expose lies that have distorted my self-image.

  27. Jesus, help me to walk in integrity and truthfulness.

  28. Holy Spirit, illuminate the dark corners where lies hide.

  29. Lord, let Your truth be a shield and buckler against deception.

  30. Father, expose lies that have corrupted our society.

  31. Christ, let Your truth reign supreme in my heart and mind.

  32. God of Wisdom, grant me understanding to see through falsehoods.

  33. Lord, let Your truth be like a fire, consuming all lies in its path.

  34. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power to stand firm in the truth.

  35. Father, expose lies that have infiltrated our government.

  36. Jesus, help me to love the truth and hate falsehood.

  37. Lord, let Your truth be like a mighty wind, sweeping away deception.

  38. Almighty God, reveal the true motives behind seemingly good actions.

  39. Father, clothe me with the breastplate of righteousness to guard against lies.

  40. Christ, let Your truth shine through me as a witness to others.

  41. Holy Spirit, give me ears to hear the still, small voice of truth.

  42. Lord, expose lies that have taken root in my family.

  43. God of Truth, let Your word dwell richly in me, as in Colossians 3:16.

  44. Jesus, help me to take every thought captive to obey Your truth.

  45. Father, expose lies that have distorted my understanding of You.

  46. Lord, let Your truth be like a hammer that breaks the rock of deception.

  47. Holy Spirit, guide me in speaking truth to power.

  48. God of Light, expose works of darkness masquerading as light.

  49. Christ, let Your truth transform my mind, as in Romans 12:2.

  50. Father, reveal lies that have hindered my spiritual growth.

  51. Lord, let Your truth be like a plumb line, revealing crooked ways.

  52. Jesus, help me to hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth.

  53. Holy Spirit, empower me to be a bearer of truth in this world.

  54. God of Justice, expose lies that perpetuate injustice and oppression.

  55. Father, let Your truth penetrate the hardest hearts around me.

  56. Lord, expose lies that have distorted my perception of others.

  57. Christ, let Your truth be the foundation on which I build my life.

  58. Holy Spirit, give me boldness to proclaim truth in the face of opposition.

  59. God of Wisdom, expose lies that masquerade as worldly wisdom.

  60. Father, let Your truth reign in every aspect of my life.

  61. Lord Jesus, come quickly and establish Your kingdom of truth on earth.

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11

A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies. Proverbs 14:5

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Ephesians 4:25

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices. Colossians 3:9


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Wow, these prayer points really hit home :bullseye:. In today’s world, it’s so easy to get caught up in deception, even unintentionally. I’m feeling inspired to be more intentional about seeking truth and asking God to reveal any lies I’ve unknowingly accepted :pray:.

*The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. -*Proverbs 12:22

As believers, we’re called to be beacons of truth, even when it’s challenging.