Some prayer porints for your husband to love you (no matter what your current marriage is like, God can always pour more love into it).
Lord, bless our marriage with Your love and grace. Help us grow closer to You and each other each day.
Father, give us wisdom to communicate openly and honestly. May we listen with patience and speak with kindness.
God, protect our marriage from temptation and outside influences that could harm our bond. Keep us faithful to each other.
Jesus, teach us to forgive as You forgive us. Help us let go of hurts and resentments that damage our relationship.
Holy Spirit, fill our home with Your peace. May our marriage be a refuge from the stresses of the world.
Lord, align our goals and dreams. Guide us to support each other’s God-given purpose.
Father, bless our physical intimacy. May it be an expression of our love and commitment to each other.
God, help us prioritize our marriage amidst life’s busyness. Remind us to invest time and energy into our relationship.
Jesus, show us how to serve one another selflessly, putting each other’s needs before our own.
Holy Spirit, give us the fruit of patience, kindness, and self-control in our interactions with each other.
Praying together can strengthen your bond and invite God’s presence into your marriage. Make these prayers a regular part of your life together.
Saintly Lord, soften my husband’s heart towards me.
My Father, ignite the flames of love in our marriage.
Oh God, help my husband see me through Your eyes.
Heavenly Creator, restore the passion we once shared.
Dear Jesus, guide my husband to love me as You love the church.
Lord, remind my husband of the vows we made before You.
Father, let Your love flow through my husband to me.
God of love, teach my husband to cherish me daily.
Merciful Savior, heal any wounds in my husband’s heart.
Almighty God, show my husband the beauty of sacrificial love.
Lord of all, help my husband prioritize our relationship.
Heavenly Father, let Your Word guide my husband’s actions towards me.
Jesus, be the foundation of my husband’s love for me.
Holy Spirit, whisper words of affection into my husband’s heart.
Gracious God, help my husband express his love openly.
Lord, let my husband’s love for me reflect Your unfailing love.
Father, give my husband the courage to be vulnerable with me.
God of wisdom, teach my husband how to love me better each day.
Loving Savior, remove any barriers to intimacy in our marriage.
Lord, let my husband’s love for me be as steadfast as mountains.
Heavenly Father, remind my husband that love is patient and kind.
Jesus, help my husband love me in both word and deed.
Holy Spirit, inspire my husband to romance me as You lead him.
God of all comfort, let my husband be my safe haven.
Lord, may my husband’s love for me be as deep as the ocean.
Father, give my husband a heart that beats in sync with mine.
God of miracles, transform any indifference into passionate love.
Savior, let my husband’s love for me grow like a mighty oak.
Lord, help my husband see that in loving me, he honors You.
Heavenly Father, give my husband the strength to love unconditionally.
Jesus, teach my husband to love me as You loved Your disciples.
Holy Spirit, fill our home with the warmth of genuine affection.
God of grace, help my husband forgive and love more deeply.
Lord, let my husband’s love be a testimony to Your goodness.
Father, give my husband the courage to lead our family in love.
God of hope, renew my husband’s commitment to our marriage daily.
Savior, help my husband love me through every season of life.
Lord, let my husband’s love be a shield against life’s storms.
Heavenly Father, teach my husband to listen to my heart.
Jesus, show my husband how to love me sacrificially.
Holy Spirit, inspire my husband to write love letters to me.
God of all creation, let my husband see me as his perfect match.
Lord, help my husband love me as described in 1 Corinthians 13.
Father, give my husband the wisdom to nurture our relationship.
God of peace, let my husband’s love bring harmony to our home.
Savior, help my husband see that in loving me, he serves You.
Lord, let my husband’s love for me be as refreshing as a spring rain.
Heavenly Father, teach my husband to cherish me as a precious gift.
Jesus, help my husband love me with the gentleness of a dove.
Holy Spirit, guide my husband to be my strongest supporter.
God of faithfulness, let my husband’s love endure all challenges.
Lord, may my husband’s love for me shine like a beacon of hope.
Father, help my husband express his love in ways that touch my heart.
God of compassion, teach my husband to be attuned to my needs.
Savior, let my husband’s love be a reflection of Your perfect love.
Lord, give my husband the courage to love me fiercely and tenderly.
Heavenly Father, help my husband see our love as a sacred covenant.
Jesus, inspire my husband to pray for and with me regularly.
Holy Spirit, kindle a fire of passion in my husband’s heart for me.
God of all comfort, let my husband’s embrace be my safe place.
Lord, may my husband’s love for me be as constant as the North Star.
Father, help my husband love me in a way that glorifies Your name.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her Ephesians 5:25
In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself Ephesians 5:28
Let all that you do be done in love 1 Corinthians 16:14
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:8