65 Prayer Points for Church Leaders (With Scripture)

As followers of Christ, we’re called to lift up our leaders in prayer, supporting them through the challenges and joys of ministry. Our church leaders carry a weighty responsibility, guiding the flock and spreading the Gospel, often while facing their own personal struggles. By focusing our prayers on specific areas of their lives and work, we can provide powerful spiritual support and encouragement to those who shepherd us.

  1. Almighty Lord, grant our church leaders wisdom beyond measure.

  2. Saintly God, illuminate the path of righteousness for our shepherds.

  3. Heavenly Father, instill unwavering faith in our spiritual guides.

  4. Merciful Jesus, pour out Your grace upon those who lead Your flock.

  5. Our Father, protect our leaders from the snares of the enemy.

  6. Lord of Hosts, be a shield and fortress for our pastors.

  7. Holy Spirit, ignite a fire of passion in the hearts of our leaders.

  8. Prince of Peace, grant serenity to those who shepherd Your people.

  9. Loving Savior, fill our leaders with compassion for the lost.

  10. Rock of Ages, provide stability and strength to our church elders.

  11. Great Physician, heal any wounds in the hearts of our leaders.

  12. Light of the World, shine through our pastors to reach the darkness.

  13. Good Shepherd, guide our leaders as they tend to Your flock.

  14. Bread of Life, nourish our leaders with Your Word.

  15. Living Water, quench the spiritual thirst of our church leaders.

  16. Mighty Counselor, grant discernment to those who lead Your people.

  17. Refiner’s Fire, purify the hearts and minds of our spiritual guides.

  18. Master Potter, mold our leaders into vessels of honor.

  19. Lion of Judah, instill courage in the hearts of our pastors.

  20. Vine of Life, help our leaders bear abundant fruit in ministry.

  21. Alpha and Omega, remind our leaders of Your eternal perspective.

  22. King of Kings, crown our church leaders with Your authority.

  23. Lord of the Harvest, equip our leaders to gather souls for Your kingdom.

  24. Anchor of Hope, secure our leaders in times of turbulence.

  25. Righteous Judge, grant our leaders fairness and justice in their decisions.

  26. “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

  27. Holy Spirit, empower our leaders with boldness to proclaim Your truth.

  28. Father of Lights, illuminate the minds of our leaders with divine insight.

  29. Eternal God, grant our leaders a vision that extends beyond this life.

  30. Faithful One, strengthen the commitment of our church leaders.

  31. Lord of Hosts, surround our leaders with Your heavenly armies.

  32. Wonderful Counselor, guide our leaders in making godly decisions.

  33. Mighty God, display Your power through the lives of our pastors.

  34. Everlasting Father, embrace our leaders with Your unfailing love.

  35. Prince of Peace, calm the storms that rage within our leaders’ hearts.

  36. Jehovah Jireh, provide for all the needs of our church leaders.

  37. Jehovah Rapha, heal any brokenness in our leaders’ lives.

  38. Jehovah Nissi, be the banner over our leaders in spiritual battles.

  39. Jehovah Shalom, grant peace that surpasses understanding to our shepherds.

  40. Jehovah Rohi, lead our pastors as they lead Your flock.

  41. Abba Father, draw our leaders closer to Your heart.

  42. Consuming Fire, ignite a passion for holiness in our church leaders.

  43. Author and Finisher of our Faith, perfect the work You’ve begun in our leaders.

  44. Balm of Gilead, soothe the weary souls of our pastors.

  45. Captain of Salvation, guide our leaders in the spiritual war.

  46. Dayspring from on High, renew our leaders each morning with Your mercies.

  47. El Shaddai, be all-sufficient for our church leaders in every situation.

  48. Fountain of Life, refresh our leaders with Your living waters.

  49. Great High Priest, intercede for our pastors before the Father.

  50. Horn of Salvation, be the strength and defense of our leaders.

  51. I AM, remind our leaders of Your all-encompassing nature.

  52. Just One, help our leaders to walk in righteousness and integrity.

  53. Keeper of Israel, watch over and protect our spiritual guides.

  54. Lamb of God, keep our leaders humble and sacrificial in their service.

  55. Mediator, bridge any gaps between our leaders and Your perfect will.

  56. Name Above All Names, exalt Yourself through our church leaders.

  57. Omnipotent One, demonstrate Your limitless power through our pastors.

  58. Portion of Jacob, be the ultimate satisfaction for our leaders’ souls.

  59. Quickening Spirit, revive and renew our leaders in their calling.

  60. Redeemer, continually transform our leaders by Your grace.

  61. Sun of Righteousness, shine Your truth through our church leaders.

  62. Tree of Life, nourish our leaders with Your eternal sustenance.

  63. Unchanging God, anchor our leaders in Your constancy.

  64. Victor over Death, empower our leaders to live victoriously.

  65. Zealous God, ignite a holy zeal in the hearts of our church leaders.

With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand Psalm 78:72

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety Proverbs 11:14

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood Acts 20:28


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Our pastors and leaders need all the spiritual support they can get. Amen to lifting them up daily - it’s so important for the health of our churches! ??

As someone who’s served in ministry, I can attest to the power of prayer for church leaders. The apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:25, “Brothers and sisters, pray for us.” It’s crucial we uplift those who guide us spiritually, for their strength and wisdom directly impact the health of the entire congregation.