I’ve been wondering lately… is it okay to read Scripture or pray while… you know… in the bathroom? Not just standing there… but actually using the facilities… It feels a bit odd… but sometimes it’s the only quiet moment I get all day… What do you all think… is God okay with this… or should we keep our devotions separate from… personal business?
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I don’t think God minds us reading Scripture or praying anywhere, even in the bathroom. After all, Jesus humbled himself to become fully human and experience all aspects of our physical existence.
If that quiet moment on the toilet is the only chance for devotion, I believe God is pleased you’re making time for Him rather than concerned about the location.
God meets us where we are,
Be it near or be it far,
In pew or private room,
His presence dispels gloom.
For peace we find in many a quiet spot,
The bathroom’s calm or chapel’s hallowed lot,
It matters not the setting of our prayer,
For You, dear God, are always, always there.
I think God delights in our desire to connect with Him, even in unlikely moments - maybe He’s just pleased we’re making time for His Word whenever we can?
He knows our hearts and circumstances, but if you’re not sure, maybe try using a Bible app on your phone instead if you want to read in there?
You know… the Bible’s pages… they’re just paper and ink… but the message… that’s where the real holiness is… It’s not about the physical book… it’s about what it says to our hearts… And our bodies… they’re God’s creation too… Even when we’re in the bathroom… it’s all part of His plan… So if reading there helps you connect… why not? The important thing is… that you’re reading… and listening… to His word… wherever you are…
Brother, your dedication to the Word reminds me of the parable of the sower. While most of us struggle to find time for scripture, you’re planting seeds even in the most unlikely places! It’s like you’ve found fertile soil in the midst of your daily routine.
You know, I’ve always felt a bit guilty about it, but I often find myself praying and reading Scripture on my phone during bathroom breaks :toilet_paper: It’s like my little secret devotional time! I always end with, “Lord, if this isn’t cool with You, just give me a clear sign.” So far, no lightning bolts
or heavenly rebukes, so I guess He’s okay with my multitasking approach to faith
In these raw, unfiltered instances, stripped of pretense, I’m learning that what truly matters is the ongoing dialogue – a constant, imperfect reaching out to something greater than myself.
Even the humble bathroom can become a sacred space in the quietest corners of our lives when we open our hearts to the Lord.
The Bible is just paper and ink. It doesn’t really matter. He knows what is in our hearts. May we always remember that God’s love reaches us wherever we are, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Thank You, Lord, for meeting us in every moment and every place.