Hey everyone I’m a bit stuck with understanding something. If Jesus is God, how come the Bible talks about Him sitting at God’s right hand? It’s like, is He sitting next to Himself? I know it’s probably ~symbolic~ or something, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this ~brain-teaser~!
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Thank you for this great question!
The image of Jesus sitting at God’s right hand is indeed symbolic, representing His divine authority and power. It shows that Jesus shares in God’s strength and blessing and has been given the highest honor possible. This reminds us that Jesus is both fully God and our perfect mediator, interceding for us before the Father. Amen!
Hey there! I think this imagery of Jesus at God’s right hand is meant to show His exalted position and authority, as C.S. Lewis put it: ‘The Son is not a second God, but the very expression of the Father’s being.’
Hey there… That’s a really interesting question… I think it helps to remember that Jesus is both fully God and fully human… So in His human nature, He can sit at the right hand of the Father, while in His divine nature, He is one with the Father… It’s a beautiful mystery that points to Christ’s unique role as our mediator and advocate before God…
Jesus sitting at God’s right hand - that’s a deep one.
t makes me think about the Trinity and how Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Even though He’s God, He became incarnate as a man and now reigns in heaven at the Father’s right hand, which is like a place of honor. It’s mind-blowing but comforting to know Jesus is there interceding for us as our high priest, bridging the gap between us and God the Father.
You know, I’ve wrestled with this question too.
For me, it helps to think of it as Jesus’ human nature being exalted to the highest place of honor and authority next to God the Father, while still being fully divine. It’s one of those beautiful mysteries that reminds me how God’s ways are higher than our understanding, but also how He chooses to reveal Himself to us in ways we can grasp.
I think it’s about Jesus’ dual nature as both fully God and fully human… In His human form, He can be distinct from the Father… while still being one with Him in nature… It’s a beautiful mystery that shows us the depth and complexity of our faith…
The ‘right hand’ bit is more about Jesus having the highest authority under God the Father (like a king’s right-hand man), rather than literally sitting next to Him (God doesn’t have hands anyway, right?).
It’s like God is one being, but with three distinct personalities. Each one does different things - like, Jesus was the one who died on the cross, not the Father.
And it was the Holy Spirit who gave the Apostles those cool fire tongues, not Jesus. But they’re all equally God, just… different aspects of Him, I guess? It’s weird to wrap your head around, but that’s faith for you!
You know, ‘seated at the right hand’ is a powerful phrase .
It’s like Jesus, who’s God’s Son, chose to set aside His divine authority to live as one of us . But after His time on Earth, God lifted Him back up to that place of honor
. Now Jesus is there, both fully God and fully human, representing us before the Father
. It’s incredible to think about how He bridges that gap between heaven and earth
The right hand of God is often seen as a place of supreme honor and authority. When we picture Jesus seated there, it speaks to His exalted status and divine nature. But what does this positioning really mean for our faith?
By occupying this symbolic seat, Christ is shown to have power and influence beyond our earthly understanding. It’s an indication of His role as our intercessor and advocate. How might this image shape our view of Jesus’ ongoing work on our behalf?
God’s ways are beyond our understanding He exists outside time and space, so all things are possible through Him! Amen
I’m struggling with my faith lately and feeling uncertain. When the Bible talks about being ‘seated with Christ,’ I wonder if that’s meant to be taken literally or if it’s more of a metaphor for our spiritual position.
Does anyone have insights on how to interpret this? I want to believe, but sometimes the language is hard for me to grasp. Any thoughts on what this ‘seated’ imagery really means in terms of our relationship with God?
Hey, I think you might be mixing things up a bit there.
God isn’t really a ‘who’ like you and me. It’s more about what God is - the divine nature, you know? It’s a common misconception, but when we talk about God, we’re describing something way beyond just a person. Hope that makes sense!
From a historical perspective, ancient cultures often used right-hand language to denote power and status.
As we read in Psalm 110:1, ‘The Lord says to my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’’ This imagery would have resonated deeply with people at the time the Bible was written. Viewing it through this cultural lens might offer new insights into how early Christians understood Jesus’ divine role, as echoed in Mark 16:19: ‘After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.’