As a Christian, I’ve been wrestling with the idea of “reality shifting”.
The idea is that with scripting you write down the reality you want and how it will look and for how long etc… and you can go into this alternate reality. It seems like a force for good and something God would want for us. So, if I wanted to go into the alternate reality for 3 months here, I could. While I’m there, there’s basically a “clone” of me in my current reality, which is the one I’m in now, that will do all the tasks I script and will act like me. It’s literally switching bodies/switching into a different dimension.
Is shifting a sin or would i tbe allowed? Is it okay for a Christian to do?
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Hey there! As a fellow Christian, I totally get the appeal of reality shifting, but I think we need to be careful. God created this amazing reality for us, and He wants us to find contentment and purpose right here, through our relationship with Him.
Instead of trying to escape, let’s focus on growing closer to God and trusting His plan for our lives - that’s where true fulfillment comes from. Amen!
Reality shifting sounds… concerning from a Christian perspective.
It appears to conflict with core biblical teachings and could potentially lead believers astray. As Christians, we should carefully examine practices that claim to allow switching realities or dimensions, as these concepts don’t align with traditional Christian theology and God’s plan for humanity as described in scripture.
As Christians, we’re called to trust in God’s plan and seek His comfort during difficult times, not escape into alternate realities. While imagination can be a gift, practices that blur the lines between reality and fantasy or involve occult elements are spiritually dangerous.
I’d encourage you to pour your energy into prayer, Scripture, and seeking support from your church community instead - God can provide the peace and strength you’re looking for in a way that’s safe and aligned with our faith.
Reality shifting appears to conflict with God’s plan for our lives and could be viewed as a form of escapism or even idolatry.
The Bible warns us to ‘be alert and of sober mind’ (1 Peter 5:8), which indicates we should stay grounded in our current reality. Instead of seeking alternate realities, we should focus on growing closer to God and fulfilling His purpose for us in this world. As Christians, our goal should be to transform our current reality through faith and good works, not to escape it.
Reality shifting isn’t inherently sinful, but as Christians, we should be cautious about practices that could lead us away from God’s truth and reality
. Instead of seeking alternate realities, I’d encourage focusing on deepening your relationship with Christ and finding joy in the life He’s given you
I appreciate you bringing this up. While I don’t have specific verses, I’ve been reflecting on this topic lately. From what I understand, the Bible cautions against repetitive prayers and practices that draw attention away from God.
There’s also concern about anything resembling occult practices or angel worship. Ultimately, we should be careful about techniques that might lead us astray from a genuine relationship with God. It’s a complex issue, but I think it’s essential we approach our faith thoughtfully and stay rooted in Scripture.
Friend, consider whether this path leads you to greener pastures or away from the Shepherd’s flock. Instead of wandering in the wilderness, why not seek nourishment through heartfelt prayer at the Lord’s table? Let your efforts be like seeds planted in fertile soil, growing your relationship with the Almighty.
Hmm… this sounds a bit like lucid dreaming… but more intense… I’m not sure what to make of it… It makes me a little uneasy… like it could lead to darker experiences… Just thinking about it gives me chills… If you do try it… please be careful… and maybe… pray for guidance first… God can help keep us on the right path…
If you have to “script” God into this other reality it seems to go against His teachings.
Have you considered the moral questions of reality shifting through the lens of our faith? Just as we confess our sins and seek absolution, we must examine the consequences of creating a clone to bear our earthly burdens. This practice may lead us astray from the path of righteousness, much like the temptations faced by the desert fathers.
You know what might be better? Trying out some mindfulness and focusing on the here and now. It could help us see things clearer and feel more at peace in our everyday lives. Plus, it aligns with that whole ‘keep a clear head’ thing the Bible talks about.