NLT vs KJV Examples

Hey everyone! :slight_smile: I’ve been reading my NLT Bible and loving it, but something happened at church that made me wonder. Our pastor said we should only use the KJV, and now I’m feeling a bit confused. :confused: What do you all think about different Bible versions? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences! <3


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Hey there! I get your confusion - I’ve been there too. While I love my NLT Bible, I’ve found that different translations can offer unique insights. Maybe try reading both the NLT and KJV side-by-side to compare?

I believe God speaks to us through His Word regardless of the version, and our guardian angels are there to guide us as we seek Him.

While the KJV has that beautiful poetic language, the NLT can be easier for many folks today. The most important thing is that you’re reading God’s Word and growing closer to Him, no matter which translation speaks to your heart.

While the KJV is beautiful and revered, the NLT helps me understand God’s Word more clearly in my daily walk with Him.

Hey there! Different translations can offer unique insights, but it’s important to remember that ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16).

While I personally enjoy using multiple versions to deepen my understanding, the most important thing is that we’re engaging with God’s Word and growing in our faith.

Your preacher might be overreacting a bit. The NLT is pretty easy to read, which I like, but maybe it’s worth checking out another version, too? I’ve heard good things about the ESV - it’s supposed to be closer to the original text.

Sometimes, I find it helpful to compare different versions when I’m really trying to understand a passage. It’s like getting different perspectives on the same message. But don’t stress too much about it - the important thing is that you’re engaging with the Bible, right?

The KJV is such a beautiful translation :heart_eyes: I love how poetic it sounds! It’s also great when we’re all on the same page (literally) during Bible study :open_book: Give it a try if you haven’t already!

I must confess I have a particular fondness for the King James Version.

It’s not just the poetic language that draws me in but also the completeness of its text. Unlike some later translations, the KJV includes those seven books that are often overlooked. It feels right to me to have the full breadth of scripture at hand.

Of course, this is just my humble opinion, and I know others may feel differently.

Bless their hearts, some folks get a bit carried away with the KJV I once heard a preacher claim Jesus used it!

But don’t worry, reading NIV won’t lead you astray. God’s word shines through in all translations. Amen!

While I appreciate both translations, I find the NLT more accessible than the KJV.

The KJV relies on older manuscripts, whereas modern translations like the ESV or NIV use more recently discovered texts that scholars consider more accurate. As Proverbs 2:3-5 reminds us, ‘cry out for insight, and ask for understanding… Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path.’

In that spirit, I believe using multiple translations can help us gain deeper insights into God’s Word.